
8 months

I just found this post that was still a “draft”. Enjoy 😉

I cannot believe that my baby is 8 months old, or that I am about to enter my 4th month of pregnancy #2! This pregnancy has been so much more difficult than Chloe’s.  I have been really sick, and ended up losing 8 pounds.  My belly didn’t disappear though.  I love how blessed I am. Here is the baby’s heartbeat, if this video works!

Chloe is crawling EVERYWHERE.. including up the stairs!! HELLO KID, YOU ARE ONLY 8 MONTHS OLD!! She is pulling up and “cruising” around the furniture.  The other day she stood by herself for a few seconds.  She didn’t fall either, just reached out to grab the couch.  She is getting to be such a big girl.  It seems like her skull is healing nicely.  The swollen spot is pretty much gone, so that is wonderful!  I am so thankful to have such a healthy, happy baby.  She is still teething.  The top two are STILL working on coming in. Her gums are so swollen and red.  She also is getting two more on bottom that have slightly poked through. It is making bedtime pretty miserable for all of us around here. But, I don’t blame her.