
7 months old!!

Brand new to 6 months (5 month picture missing)

And just like that…

She is 7 months old

How did we get here?! Wasn’t she just a brand new tiny bundle of baby?

This little girl has so much personality. She eats 3 full meals a day of baby foods. When I wipe her face off after, she grabs the baby wipe from my hand, lifts it above her head, tears it in half, and starts chewing on one half while smacking the other half on the tray. She scoots around all over the house, but only in reverse or sideways. She has yet to figure out how to move herself forward. She is so close to crawling, and so frustrated that she can’t figure it out!

This little stinker is sitting up all by herself now. In fact, today I laid her on the floor and went to get a drink. When I turned around she was sitting up staring at me. I don’t even know how that happened. I just kept giggling, because it was so funny. She was grinning from ear to ear. So proud.

Her little life is just flying by. I am trying so desperately to cling to every day with her; while clinging to every day with Chloe and Addi.

Their lives are flying by, too. Chloe will be FIVE this year!!! Kindergarten age. It breaks my heart to see them getting so old, but I am really proud of how smart and independent they are.

Hug your babies. Hold them often. You can’t spoil a baby. That is nonsense. CLING to every day with them, because it flies by so darn fast that you look back and wonder where the months and days have gone.