
5 weeks pregnant

I am going to schedule this post for the future, because I am not yet ready to announce that I AM PREGNANT!!! I want to keep track from the start of things though, so here we go. πŸ™‚

I found out last Sunday that I am pregnant with baby #3 (#4? I don’t know how to count since losing a baby..) I am terrified and cannot wait for my first appointment so that I can find out that things are ok. I know that the baby is in God’s hands though, and there is no better place. No matter what happens, I am SO BLESSED! Baby’s due date is July 14 or 15, I’ve been told two different dates, so hopefully that can be ironed out soon.

How far along? 5 weeks
Total weight gain: Nothing yet! YES!!
Maternity clothes? None yet, but my pants are already getting tight. yikes!
Stretch marks? No new ones.
Sleep: Scott has been amazing at getting up with the girls every 2 minutes, but I still wake up to their cries, so sleep has escaped me now.
Best moment this week: reaching 5 weeks. πŸ™‚
Worst moment this week: realizing how difficult it will be to HIDE this pregnancy until 12 weeks!
Miss anything? 6 cups of coffee a day. Wah!
Movement: nothing yet.
Food cravings: Carrots and ranch, and Arby’s.
Anything making you queasy or sick: If I don’t eat at least a snack every couple of hours I feel queasy, but nothing horrible yet.
Gender: I don’t know, but really hoping for another girl
Labor signs: No, and I hope it stays that way for a long time.
Symptoms: I run to the bathroom constantly, and have to stick to a feeding schedule. ha!
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Well, we are on day 10 of confinement to the house due to this crummy sickness my girls have, so I am pretty darn moody!
Looking forward to: our first doctor’s appointment.