
5 Things I am Loving Right Now

Eat What You Love cookbook- This just released yesterday, and I have been anxiously awaiting it. I pre-ordered it back in August. It is full of clean versions of my favorite comfort foods. There is a clean version of Chicken Divan! Yessss!!! (It is only $16.92 at the time I am writing this, which means it’s almost $20 off!)
She Reads Truth Bible– I really love this Bible. The pages are thin, so when there is big artwork, you can see it through the page. It is still readable on those pages though. I love the devotions sprinkled throughout. I love the additional study guides and information about every book of the Bible. I love the reading plans. I love it all. It’s so good. They are also releasing a He Reads Truth version next year!
These boots– Pricey, yes. Worth it? YES! They are so comfortable and roomy enough to wear thick wool socks with them. I never bought myself warm boots in all my years in Michigan. I was missing out!! I love them.
My four slice toaster.  This is a luxury. My kids love toast and frozen waffles. I know. The health benefits, right?  I had been eyeing this one on Amazon. Hoping for a really good sale.. or to win a giveaway. Something. Anyway, I was walking through Kroger and saw the clearance table. This toaster was sitting on it. I kind of laughed to myself thinking it would still  be way expensive. It was only $24!!!! That’s the price of a cheap regular toaster. I was giddy and so excited when I told Scott about it. You’d think I was bringing home a gold nugget. I am able to make enough waffles and toast for all of my kids at once. It’s wonderful. (Also, did you know toaster tongs were a thing?) I would have continued surviving without it, but I am so grateful that I found one. (Our original toaster is over 10 years old and was going to poop out soon anyway.)
Days With Grey– Bridget from Tales of Me and the Husband shared this instagram feed last week. I started following and found her blog. I’m obsessed. These breakfast invitations? I am going to start using some of these. Mornings are rough around here. We never get started on a good foot, and I am praying that this will be a game changer. I used to be so good at things like this, and then fell off the wagon once we moved to Oklahoma and everything fell apart. I’m reclaiming our lives this month!
I hope you are having a fantastic December so far! We are growing more and more excited for Christmas by the day!