books,  homeschool,  kids

5 Back to School Books

School’s First Day of School // This is the sweetest book about a new school. He is nervous about the first day and all of the children that will be coming. He learns that it’s nice to have all of the children learning– and he learns, too.

The Pigeon Has to Go to School Who doesn’t love Mo Willems’s pigeon books? Pigeon thinks he doesn’t need to go to school because he already knows everything. He quickly learns that school will be wonderful.

LMNO Peas This is a fun way to teach Letters and sounds! The LMNO peas can be anything they want to be.

It’s Your First Day of School Busy Bus This is another sweet story about Busy Bus’s first day of school. Busy Bus’s driver inspects everything to make sure he is in tip-top shape for his first day of school. Busy Bus goes from being fearful to excited about the new school year.

Lost in the Library While not entirely SCHOOL related, this is a lovely tale of the incredible stories one can learn from a book. Lost in the Library is perfect for the kiddos who will be learning to read.