
39 weeks pregnant

How far along? 39 weeks

Baby’s size: big. really big.

Maternity clothes? yup

Sleep: I have been sleeping, but feel completely miserable.

Worst moment this week: Yesterday. Yesterday by far. I went for my OB appointment, and everything was great. Then, I went for my NST. The baby was super active on the way to the hospital, and I had a feeling that she was going to cause the test to take longer than usual. After an HOUR (usually its 15 minutes) the nurse says that the baby’s heart rate was too high most all of the time. She wouldn’t calm down. I can see the heart rate, so I knew that something was wrong… it’s usually around 130 and it stayed above 160. They don’t want it to go above 160. I had to go for an ultrasound to check the fluid again. Only this time, they were checking to see if she was practice breathing (like.. is she going to be OK if we take her..) Her heart rate was still high through the ultrasound and she moved so much that it was hard for them to actually see much of anything. Then, I had to go for extended monitoring. If she didn’t calm down, they would have to take her because it would mean she was in distress. They took FOREVER to hook me up in labor and delivery. I was about to pee my pants waiting on the stinking nurse to come into the room. She finally calmed down during that monitoring. 2 hours of a way too high heart rate, and she just suddenly goes back to normal. I have never been so emotionally drained… I am just so ready for her to be here, in my arms.. so I can KNOW that she is OK.

Best moment this week: My husband is home. I love spending time with him.

Miss anything? normalcy.. I don’t even know what that is anymore. Life won’t let up, and I am just ready to get back to normal.

Movement: almost too much…

Food cravings: I don’t want food.

Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing specific.

Gender: GIRL

Labor signs: nope

Belly button in or out? out

Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or moody most of the time: When I think of “moody”, I think angry.. I am not angry and crabby.. I am just some emotion that is not really happy.

I was told that they won’t let me go past 41 weeks since I am high-risk. So, if she does not come on her own, I will be induced on the 22nd. Please, PLEASE pray that I go on my own because I DO NOT want to be induced at all. I want her to come on her own.