
36 weeks pregnant

How far along? 36 weeks

Baby’s size: I am pretty sure she is the size of a watermelon already!

Maternity clothes? yup

Sleep: the past two nights the girls slept through the night.. I, however, never do. lol

Worst moment this week: I have apparently pulled a muscle in my shoulder. Thankfully, it is only a dull pain most of the day. By the end of the day and after all of the use, it is a sharp stabbing pain that is kinda miserable. Pray that it heals quickly!

Best moment this week: We are getting lots of things checked off of our to-do lists! HOORAY!

Miss anything? I miss switching the laundry from the washer to the dryer without feeling like I am going to pass out from lack of oxygen!

Movement: HUGE movements. It’s crazy to lay on the couch or in bed and feel her literally ROLLING around!!

Food cravings: Peanut butter and banana smoothies…

Anything making you queasy or sick: Just like last week, being awake makes me feel sick. haha

Gender: GIRL

Labor signs: lots of contractions still

Belly button in or out? out

Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or moody most of the time: I am trying really hard to be happy despite any circumstances around me. I am feeling stressed out because Scott is leaving for camp on Monday and will be gone. My sisters are coming to take care of me, and I am excited to see them.. but I hate when my partner in crime is gone. 🙁 We go to Ohio this weekend because Scott is doing the wedding of one of our former teenagers. I am full term next week! Yikes!! But, I have so much to be thankful for, and I am trying to cling to that and enjoy these last few weeks of being pregnant.