
35 weeks pregnant

How far along? 35 weeks

Baby’s size: she is baby sized

Maternity clothes? yup

Sleep: the girls still aren’t sleeping well, and neither am I

Worst moment this week: Yesterday, Chloe was supposed to have day 2 of her baseball clinic. Last week, they gave all of the kids a jersey and some other fun stuff. She refused to put the jersey on and didn’t follow any directions. So, this week, she was told that if she wouldn’t put her jersey on, she didn’t get to play. We have talked it up all week (and she really is excited to play.. we aren’t just forcing her..). She threw a HUGE fit and wouldn’t put the jersey on before leaving the house. We got in the car and drove to the park where she could see all of the other kids. She still would NOT put this jersey on.. so, we left with her screaming and flailing in her car seat because she wanted to play. If she can’t even follow the directions to put on the jersey and be part of a team, she obviously is not going to listen to her coaches.. AGAIN. So frustrating.. hopefully that will make her learn and she will listen next week.

Best moment this week: My husband is officially ordained. I am so proud of him and thankful for him being willing to answer the call of God on his life.

Miss anything? driving. I want to drive myself somewhere… anywhere..

Movement: Lots of huge movements that are starting to get painful! Strong baby girl!

Food cravings: grilled cheese is my jam!!

Anything making you queasy or sick: the waking hours

Gender: GIRL

Labor signs: lots of contractions

Belly button in or out? out

Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or moody most of the time: moody.. I have a 3 year old who stomps her feet and screams at me while claiming that she doesn’t like her room, her teachers, her sunday school class, her toys..and that she doesn’t want or need me around. I feel like I am just a huge burden on my husband because he has to drive me to appointments constantly… I am looking forward to my hospital stay. “alone” time sounds so nice right now..