
3 years

My sweet baby. Today marks the 3rd year of celebrating your due date without you. I thought it would get easier. In a sense, it has. I don’t have buckets of tears flowing. But, my heart aches. You would be turning two this year. Who would you be? Would you be just as silly as your sisters? Would you have loved your new baby as much as they do?

There are so many questions that will never get answered. I have so many hugs and kisses that I want to give you.

Easter is tomorrow. There should be four little baskets full of tiny gifts. I am saddened to know that I never got to buy you a present. But, because of Easter; because of Christ dying on the cross and RISING three days later, I get to see you one day. I know that I will get to hug you in heaven one day because me eternity is secure in Christ. I am so thankful for that. I am so thankful that you are celebrating the true reason WITH HIM!! How incredible it must be to see the scars in his hands and feet; the scar on his side.

Are you in awe? I wonder if you ever think of your earthly mommy and daddy. A part of me hopes so. But, I know that you are with JESUS. There is NOTHING better than that.

So, I will get through this day in a fog as I typically do, but a fog with hope. Hope..