
3 months old???

Well, my baby girl turned 3 months old on Monday! What on earth happened to the “newborn”? She is 14 lbs. 2 oz and 25 inches long now!! She is trying extremely hard to sit up. She stick her chubby legs up in the air and lifts her head.  If I give her my hands she can pull herself up to sitting.  I am amazed at how strong she is for only being 3 months old.  I guess thats what happens when you have a giant baby though lol!  She reaches out and grabs things now with good intent.  She can sit in her bumbo seat without falling forward. Now, she just leans forward to chew on it. She is sitting on my lap right now leaning into my arm.  She doesn’t need a whole lot of support when sitting, but definitely can’t sit on her own yet.  She wants so badly to be mobile.  She gets so mad on her belly because she can’t move around.  Yesterday she was laying on her back holding both of her feet up by her face. It looked painful to me, but she thought she was funny.
  We put up our Christmas tree yesterday and Chloe loved it! I got what I thought was a small tree for her bedroom. I didn’t pay attention to the size, just the small box and price.. it ended up being 4 feet tall!  She loves the sparkly lights.  We put an ornament in her hand and tried to get her to hang it up.. she didn’t want to let go haha!  So, we put it on her foot and she hung it with her toes.
She is such a sweet baby. She wraps her arms around my arm almost like a hug.  I laugh at myself because I am with her all day, and still don’t want to give her up to Scott when he gets home.  I do, of course, but I love spending time with her!!  I know that financially it is going to be EXTREMELY hard..especially in the winter with our ridiculous heating bill.. but it is worth it to get rid of fancy cable and everything to get to help teach her things and watch her change every day.
I truly believe life can’t get any better than it is right now…