
29 weeks pregnant

I am almost a week late with this post. We have had a crazy, busy May already!

How far along? 29 weeks

Baby’s size: 3 pounds

Total weight gain: too much.. in fact.. I am removing this question because it’s depressing. My doctor assures me that I am just fine, but.. no..

Maternity clothes? Yes

Sleep: I had to wake up much earlier than usual all week, and will be for the rest of the month because THE BASEMENT IS BEING REMODELED!!

Worst moment this week: Addi had a dentist appt. and we misplaced her social security card (which they needed to look up her insurance). I called to reschedule and the dumb card was found 10 minutes later.

Best moment this week: The baby’s room and closet both have all of the walls put up. Our new bathroom also has all of the walls and plumbing done. The shower, vanity, and toilet are all bought and awaiting installation. Soon I will be painting, the ceiling and floors will be done and then I can set up baby girl’s room and start dreaming of the day she is sleeping in there!! <3 Miss anything? not getting heartburn from EVERYTHING that I eat. Movement: still a lot of movement. She is a strong little booger. Food cravings: nothing really.. Anything making you queasy or sick: Heartburn is awful and I felt nauseous all week. The nausea could be from the construction happening all day and having things at the church every evening until super late. Gender: GIRL Labor signs: I feel Braxton hicks all the time still. :/ Belly button in or out? mostly out I think.. Wedding rings on or off? On… my hands are starting to swell so I am wondering how much longer. Happy or moody most of the time: A little bit of both. I have been trying to relax about my house being a mess because it is a huge blessing to have all of this going on. But, the business of the week made me feel cranky. Looking forward to: painting.. I feel like once I paint it will be no time until everything else gets set up! 😀