
26 weeks pregnant

The 26 week belly.. I feel gigantic, and look how I have been feeling lately!

How far along? 26 weeks

Baby is the size of: 1 2/3 pounds

Total weight gain: too much.. I have been gaining a POUND A WEEK!! I don’t even eat enough, so how is that possible?!?!?!

Maternity clothes? Yes

Sleep: same

Worst moment this week: I downed a ton of fresh pineapple right before bed last night and OH, the heartburn. Never, ever, ever again!!!! Also, both girls are sick. Mommy is sick. We are worn down… well, I am. In the words of the doctor- we have the “Happiest sick kids ever” AND THEY NEVER SLOW DOWN!

Best moment this week: We had a really awesome family weekend. We hung out and played as a family. We went to the big outlet mall and walked around for HOURS. The girls had a blast and both went right to sleep that night.

Miss anything? iced coffee.. a hundred iced coffees a day sound fabulous!

Movement: A lot of movement and its all REALLY low and a little painful at times. It’s too early for that, baby girl.

Food cravings: it had been fresh pineapple! ha!

Anything making you queasy or sick: This virus is still kicking my booty, and heartburn kept me awake for HOURS last night.

Gender: GIRL

Labor signs: Already feeling Braxton hicks, especially when I walk a lot. yikes!

Belly button in or out? still half and half

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or moody most of the time: I am feeling cranky the past couple of days. I don’t like it.

Looking forward to: nursery.. iced coffee.. green grass and flowers..