
26 things about me

Since I spent half of my 26th birthday in the hospital, and the other half with my family in town, I didn’t really get to post anything about it. Not that my birthday is anything special, I usually have to be reminded of it every year. haha! I saw someone else do a post like this. I figured I’d jump on the bandwagon a month late. I need to pass the time. šŸ˜‰

1. I was born in New Mexico. Everyone thinks that is a foreign country, but check your maps. It is one of the 50 states ya’ll.

2. I always wanted to be a teacher when I was a little girl. I would make my younger sister be my “student” and teach her everything that I was learning. (Your welcome for your awesome grades, Amanda!) I taught preschool when Scott and I moved to Michigan and hated it. I loved seeing the light go on and the kids get so excited when they would learn something new, but couldn’t stand the awful parents who think that their children are perfect and should be reading when they are THREE.

3. My favorite season is Fall. I don’t think this is a secret. I love the weather, the crisp air, and the delicious pumpkin flavored and scented EVERYTHING.

4. I am a coffee addict. I love it hot or iced, as long as it’s sweet. I give it up practically cold turkey during every pregnancy though.

5. Halloween is my favorite holiday. It wasn’t always that way. I think it really started because it was Chloe’s first real holiday. Then, it was Addison’s first. As long as this baby comes after the 4th of July, it will be her first as well. There is nothing like celebrating holidays with kids!!

6. I love moose. I think the name is funny, and they have adorable faces. I would love to see a male moose in real life (antlers, people!!) but only from a distance.

7. Pink is my favorite color, but I also love any aqua-like blue.

8. I saw the ocean for the first time when Scott and I went on our honeymoon. I fell in love with it, and would live on the beach if I could.

9. Scott and I have been together for ELEVEN years. It seems completely crazy, because I don’t feel old enough for that to even be possible.

10. I love being a mommy to all girls. I want to punch everyone who tells me that I NEED a boy in the nose. I would never be disappointed if I had a boy one day, but I am not disappointed by having all girls either.

11. I surrendered to the ministry in Junior High. I was doing a brown bag speech and had to say what I wanted to be when I grew up… I had no real idea (teaching had exited my mind around this time), so I started praying really hard about what God wanted from me. It was then that he revealed his plan to me, and I have never looked back!!

12. I did show choir for four years. It would have been six, but I had to get a job. The schedule for SC was really demanding, and I decided that I wouldn’t be able to balance it, a job, and homework. I was heartbroken.

13. Sometimes I wish that I would have done more extracurricular activities in high school.

14. I am addicted to sweet tea.

15. I am a huge cry baby. I cry during movies, commercials, while overthinking, and every time my husband leaves.. even if it’s only for a day.. When he had to go home while I was in the hospital I sobbed in my room.

16. I love my husband possibly more now than when we got married. I feel like every time we have a child, I fall more in love with him when I see the way he loves the babies.

17. I can’t wait to see this baby and finally call her by her name.

18. I have a really short temper, and it is something that I am really working on fixing. I am not proud of it at all.

19. I love fishing. I grew up fishing with my dad on the weekends in the summer time.

20. I also love drag racing. I used to help my dad work on his dragsters. Once I even got to pretend to be 18 (I was only 12) and go out on the track with him and his buddy to help him. It was amazing.

21. I look up to my mom so much. She is one of the most hard working women I know. She loved us all unconditionally, and is so talented. I admire her more than she will ever know.

22. I love my “in-laws”. I know so many people have issues with theirs, but I feel like I hit the jackpot!

23. I have always wanted to go to Italy, but I am afraid of actually going.

24. I really wish that I had dark hair; natural dark hair. Bright blonde is cool and all until people think that their blonde jokes are funny. Here’s a news flash: THEY AREN’T.

25. I love my church family. They are the most kind, compassionate, and loving bunch of crazy people.

26. I hate doing things that everyone else is doing. My sisters are both running (which is AWESOME) but it makes me want to find some other form of awesome exercise just so that I can be different. I am going to blame being the middle child?

There you have it. Twenty-six random, but not-so-random, facts about myself. I know that I am such an interesting person and you were all dying to know. šŸ˜‰