
25 random facts

I have seen a few bloggers do this. I am kinda bored. So, here it goes..

1. I was born in New Mexico. Every time I have to get a new driver’s license or anything that makes me show my birth certificate, I have the employee ask if that is in the United States. Please, people, learn your geography!

2. I always dreamt of being a teacher. I used to play school with my little sister and teach her everything that I was learning. I actually was a teacher for a year, and hated it.. well, the parents. Parents think that their kids can do no wrong, and that it is the teacher’s responsibility to teach them EVERYTHING in the few hours at school.. Now, I get to teach my own children, and I am so excited!

3. I LOVE pineapple. Especially when it’s frozen. YUM!

4. Fall is my favorite season. There is just something about the crisp air, and comfy sweaters that I LOVE.

5. I used to love decorating for Christmas. My mom and dad’s house was always so beautiful. Now, our house is very small, and all of the decorations end up giving me a headache a week in. I feel like a Scrooge.

6. My husband and I have been a couple for almost 10 years. It is amazing how much we have grown from 15 and 16 year olds to 25 and 26 year olds..

7. I am growing more and more passionate about nutrition and the foods I feed my family. I wish I had studied nutrition in college.

8. Scott took me to see the ocean for the first time on our honeymoon. I think a large piece of my heart stayed there on the beach. I love it.

9. I love having girls. If I have all girls, I will be just fine with that. (not that I would be unhappy with a boy)

10. I honestly believe that I married up. My husband is one good-looking, God-fearing, loving man.

11. My favorite Disney princess is Belle. She is the only one who wasn’t chasing a prince. She loved to read.

12. My second favorite is Ariel. Why? She’s a mermaid. Enough said.

13. I am currently waiting on ultrasound results to find out if I have a tumor, cyst, or something else on my thyroid. I am trying really hard to stay calm, but for some reason am really REALLY nervous. God is in control.

14. I love coffee. Coffee with a lot of cream and sugar.

15. Sonic vanilla coke is my weakness. I never used to drink soda.. now, I can’t seem to stop. I know it’s terrible.

16. I have an almost paralyzing fear of crashing into water with my girls in the van with me. Two five-point-harness car seats and a sinking vehicle… yeah…

17. I LONG for a vacation with my husband where we can just relax and not worry about anyone else’s schedules.

18. I always cut Chloe and Addi’s PB&J sandwiches into shapes. Always.

19. I can’t stand when my toe-nail polish is chipped. I could care less about my fingers though.

20. I don’t like when people brag about all that they have done. God sees what you do in secret, and will reward you openly. Quit bragging about how “awesome” you are..

21. I am really trying to work on complaining less. Can you tell?

22. I love reading books about being a good, Godly wife and mother more than I like reading novels.

23. I feel like I don’t have any talents to offer to God. I am still working at figuring out what mine is.

24. I LOVE being a mother. Every day isn’t perfect, but I am doing what I was created to do.

25. I feel like I am failing on a daily basis. Failing at being the mom I always dreamt I would be. Failing at being the wife my husband needs. I struggle with this EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. and I am working so hard at overcoming it.

Thank you for wasting your time. 🙂