
23 weeks pregnant

How far along? 23 weeks

Baby is the size of: She weighs a little more than a pound now.

Total weight gain: not really sure..

Maternity clothes? Yes

Sleep: blagh

Worst moment this week: Yesterday was a really rough day in our house.. Neither of the girls napped and there were a lot of potty accidents..

Best moment this week: My husband brought Frozen home today for us to watch!!! 😀

Miss anything? not expanding

Movement: lots and lots of movement happening.

Food cravings: I can’t think of anything that I am really craving.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Heartburn. I hate heartburn!!

Gender: GIRL

Labor signs: nothing

Symptoms: anything that you can imagine being a symptom

Belly button in or out? in.. sorta flat..

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or moody most of the time: Mostly happy

Looking forward to: Spring. It officially starts in two days and I can’t wait to decorate for it! Nevermind that there will still be snow on the ground here, I am putting out bright colors and flowers!