
21 weeks pregnant

How far along? 21 weeks

Baby is the size of:

Total weight gain: probably around 10 pounds.. I find out on Friday.

Maternity clothes? Yes, though I am still squeezing into my regular sweaters and such because I don’t have maternity ones and this winter WON’T END.

Sleep: Yep.. terrible still.

Worst moment this week: The same “well-meaning” person from church commenting on how BIG I am, and am I sure there is only one baby in there. If one more person tells me that I look to big to just have one, I am going to flip out. It is my THIRD pregnancy to go this far.. I always get HUGE, and my weight gain is perfect for where I am at.

Best moment this week: All of the fun stuff I ordered has come in, and I am having fun planning for baby girl’s room.

Miss anything? coffee..

Movement: Baby girl still moves a TON and is getting much stronger. I love it. 🙂

Food cravings: ice cream, but that is a normal thing for me. 😉

Anything making you queasy or sick: Still fighting heartburn, and not feeling so hot today. I gave in and took Zofran again today. 🙁

Gender: GIRL

Labor signs: nothing

Symptoms: heartburn, bladder kicks, belly

Belly button in or out? in.. sorta flat..

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or moody most of the time: Pretty happy, just feeling crummy today and it’s making me a little grouchy.

Looking forward to: SPRING!! I am SO TIRED of winter it is not even funny.