
2 months old


1 month old

2 months old (not the best picture, sorry kiddo)

Harper is already 2 months old!! She is getting her own personality, and it is so fun to see. She smiles and coos at us. She has started to suck her thumb (when she can get it in her mouth) to self soothe. Her hair is getting longer, but not thicker. She goes to sleep between 9 and 10 at night, and usually wakes up only once or twice. She is not a morning person much like her Mama. She likes to wake up and eat around 6 or 7, and then goes back to sleep. She would sleep past 10 if we didn’t have to get up for the day before that. She takes several naps throughout the day. Here are some stats on her:

Weight: 11 pounds 1 oz
Height: 24 inches

We had family pictures taken today… our first pictures as a family of FIVE!! I was incredibly stressed out all morning. Three small girls are not easy to get to cooperate. They did so well though. We got some really sweet pictures of the girls individually, together, and all five of us. Nevermind that my hair was wild and crazy.. the girls smiled and were happy and cooperative. I can’t wait to get them in! I am still blown away by being a family of FIVE. 😀 It makes my heart happy!