

Each year, I pray about a word to focus on for the new year.
Last year, I really don’t remember what I set as my word– or if I had one. I’m sure I did, but I don’t want to look. We didn’t even stay up to celebrate the new year. 2017 was HARD. We lost someone so very dear to us. Our lives basically fell apart all around us, and we came out of the ashes feeling very damaged.
We went into 2018 with no expectations. We just hoped to survive. Life has happened around us, but I’m not sure that we have really lived.
When I started thinking about what I want the focus to be for 2019, I started thinking about steadiness. Our lives have been anything but steady for the past several years. I’d say the last several years have been some of the most painful and difficult. We’ve moved from state to state with nowhere feeling like home. I’ve set myself on autopilot and just went through each day in survival mode.
That is no way to LIVE.
We are already going into this new year with some really exciting possibilities. We have been dreaming and hoping and praying. I thought hard about what my focal word was going to be; my prayer.
When I think of pulse, I think of health.
I think of a rhythm.
I think of steadiness.
I want to have our days more scheduled and structured instead of feeling chaotic; we all function better that way. I want my kids to know that our home, wherever that is, is a safe haven. Our home is the heartbeat; a place where peace should reside. I want our pulse to have Jesus flowing through.
No matter what life throws at us this year, my prayer is that our pulse will remain steady; our faith won’t waver.
I really want to encourage you to set a focus for 2019. Set some attainable goals with a real plan to reach them. Tomorrow is a blank slate in a whole new chapter of your life story. Anything can happen!