How far along? 19 weeks
Baby is the size of: a mango
Total weight gain: I am not sure.
Maternity clothes? maternity pants and a few maternity shirts
Stretch marks? No new ones.
Sleep: same..
Worst moment this week: Today.. I just feel so exhausted and my head is pounding. :/
Best moment this week: Went on a date with my husband last week, and am glider rocker shopping! WOOHOO!
Miss anything? being thin. ha!
Movement: Movement has suddenly taken off this week! The baby moves all the time! Scott got to feel him or her move over the weekend!!!
Food cravings: Anything that won’t give me heartburn..
Anything making you queasy or sick: I tried to switch to regular prenatal vitamins, and they are making me feel really terrible. Iron and I don’t get along.
Gender: Don’t know
Labor signs: nothing
Symptoms: all pregnancy symptoms that exist lol
Belly button in or out? still in
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: crabby today, but I have been in a good mood on most days.
Looking forward to: 6 MORE DAYS UNTIL THE ULTRASOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Mrs. Neuby
are you eating food at the exact same time you take your prenatal? I would get queasy if I wasn't in the middle of a meal when I took it.
All four times I have always taken it right before I go to sleep. I never had an issue with Chloe, but with Addi and the baby we lost, I couldn't handle the iron. I took gummies instead because my iron is always great without the extra. I just ran out so tried.. today is better so far.