
18 weeks pregnant

How far along? 18 weeks

Baby is the size of: a sweet potato (YUM!)

Total weight gain: I weighed myself at home after freaking out that I had already gained 12 pounds. I have only gained 8, so I am feeling MUCH better.

Maternity clothes? maternity pants, regular shirts.. but I am thinking it’s going to be all maternity soon. 🙁

Stretch marks? No new ones.

Sleep: I am running out of words that mean I DON’T SLEEP WELL AT ALL.

Worst moment this week: Heartburn is rearing its ugly and unwelcome head again.

Best moment this week: I got to go get a haircut on Friday and it was really nice. Am I the only one who loves having someone else wash my hair? Nothing better than getting a head rub. 😉

Miss anything? Warm weather, and normal pants!

Movement: still just little ones.

Food cravings: I am just hungry ALL. THE. TIME.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Waking up in the middle of the night still sends me running for the bathroom. 🙁

Gender: Don’t know

Labor signs: nothing

Symptoms: all pregnancy symptoms that exist lol

Belly button in or out? still in

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or moody most of the time: feeling pretty happy.. only moody when I think about how terrible my sleep has been.

Looking forward to: Ultrasound in 13 days, and I am going on a DATE with my husband tonight!!!


  • Mrs. Neuby

    I think you should eliminate the stretch marks question. I hope you don't count the stretch marks you have now, and I hope you don't count to see how many you get.

  • Ashley

    Yeah, you are probably right. I can't count high enough to count how many I have now. I should also eliminate the sleep question because I never have slept well!