
17 weeks pregnant

How far along? 17

Baby is the size of: a turnip

Total weight gain: At my weigh-in yesterday, I had gained TWELVE pounds already.. I am hoping it only said that much because I had JUST eaten my lunch.. 🙁

Maternity clothes? maternity pants, regular shirts

Stretch marks? No new ones.

Sleep: crummy

Worst moment this week: I’ve been trying to not focus on the negative, so I really don’t even know!

Best moment this week: We took the girls to Trader Joe’s and they loved pushing the little carts around and picking out fruits and veggies. 🙂

Miss anything? SPRING!!!!!!!!!! Warm weather.

Movement: Definitely feeling movements! 😀

Food cravings: right now.. donuts.. Tim Horton’s donuts..

Anything making you queasy or sick: If I don’t eat often enough I feel sick (could have something to do with that 12 pound weight gain.. )

Gender: Don’t know

Labor signs: nothing

Symptoms: nausea, kicks, EXHAUSTION.. oh, and the giant belly that everyone wants to rub!

Belly button in or out? In.. but already getting flat.

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or moody most of the time: I have been much happier this week. 🙂 Life is only as fun as you make it!!

Looking forward to: The big “gender reveal” ultrasound in a few weeks!!

**I wrote about my nerves going into each appointment. On my way to the doctor’s office I actually was fighting tears back.. I don’t know why I get so emotional about it all, but I was really starting to feel the nerves and I just prayed for peace the whole way there. The doctor gets the Doppler all ready and puts it on my bare belly. Apparently baby felt it because he/she jabbed REALLY hard.. I mean, I JUMPED it startled me so much. Anyway, Dr. nice guy was moving the Doppler all over the place and was not finding anything. I could occasionally hear my own heartbeat through it, but not often. Normally, I would have started to panic, but I had just been karate chopped by the baby after all. The doctor finally says “This thing is not even doing what it is supposed to. I’ll be right back.” As soon as he comes back in, he finds the heart beat right away, and the baby sounds perfect. I am just thankful that God allowed me to feel that kick before things started to happen so that I was able to remain at peace the whole time.