
16 weeks pregnant

**Please ignore how messy everything is around me in this picture. My children are obsessed with throwing everything on the floor right now because they, too, are going crazy.

How far along? 16

Baby is the size of: an avacado

Total weight gain: I think close to 8 pounds already.. :/

Maternity clothes? maternity pants, regular shirts

Stretch marks? No new ones.

Sleep: horrible

Worst moment this week: My kids are still sick and I am so sick of doing laundry and spraying Lysol to try to get rid of the germs.. I really am losing my mind completely

Best moment this week: Last night the girls and I curled up on the floor in front of the TV to watch Room on the Broom.. which is “The Cat and the Witch” to Addison. She is obsessed with it.

Miss anything? Going outside.. adult interaction..

Movement: I think I feel some tiny movements occasionally.

Food cravings: Still Oliver T’s

Anything making you queasy or sick: The sickness is slowly letting up, but I still feel crummy most nights.

Gender: Don’t know

Labor signs: nothing

Symptoms: the usual..

Belly button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or moody most of the time: I am getting increasingly grouchy the more we get into winter. This season is a nightmare to me, and I always really struggle through it.

Looking forward to: Spring!!!!!!!! And, our ultrasound!