
13 weeks pregnant

How far along? 13 weeks

Total weight gain: 5 pounds at my appointment

Maternity clothes? maternity pants, regular shirts

Stretch marks? No new ones.

Sleep: I don’t sleep well at all, but that could be because my girls wake up a LOT at night.. still..

Worst moment this week: Sorry if this is TMI (and it probably is) but finding out that there was blood and protein in my urine at my appointment, and that the doctor is sending it off to make sure she isn’t missing anything..

Best moment this week: I finally HEARD the baby’s heartbeat!!!!!!!!!! It was 140-150 bpm. đŸ™‚ Perfect!

Miss anything? energy

Movement: I still occasionally think I feel something.

Food cravings: I want chocolate pie! Chloe keeps pretending that she is making some, and I really want it now. lol

Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing specific, just not feeling well.

Gender: Don’t know

Labor signs: nothing

Symptoms: the usual..

Belly button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or moody most of the time: stressed

Looking forward to: The phone call from my doctor about the test…