
1 month old

Harper turned one month old on Monday. It is so hard to believe that this beautiful, wonderful blessing came into our lives one month ago.

This is the first picture that I ever took of Harper.

Here is Miss Harper one her 1 month “birthday”.

She is growing and changing so quickly. She likes to be carried like a football. she likes to be swaddled as long as her arms are sticking out from her burrito-wrapped blanket. She also loves to take a warm bath. There aren’t many milestones at 1 month, but she did grab ahold of her hair the other day and cried because she just kept pulling it. I giggled the whole time I was trying to pry her tiny fingers out of her hair. She sleeps pretty well, but has started to wake up around 2AM for a few hours. I am pooped. Pooped, but SO blessed.